Photography by Sophie Mörner

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sophie Mцrner was born in 1976 in Stockholm, Sweden and attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. Although most often regarded for founding Capricious Magazine and later Capricious Publishing and Space, Mцrner is a photographer first. Her work blends idyllic elements of an imagined female utopia; individuals in bucolic, pastoral settings unencumbered by gender pressures, with aspects of contemporary portraiture and realism.

Sophie started Capricious Magazine, an international magazine for emerging fine art photographers, in the fall of 2003. Capricious Publishing, founded in the spring of 2008, is currently publishing GLU Magazine, FAMOUS and has produced two photography books, The Known World- Anne Hall and Sophie Mörner, released last December, and I Have a Room With Everything- Melanie Bonajo, which will be released in March 2009.Capricious Space was founded in June 2008 and is an artist-run exhibition space for emerging artists. Sophie Mörner, a photographer herself, lives and works in Brooklyn, NY has a deep passion for horses and photography. She has been part of numerous group shows, and most recently had a solo show in Stockholm, Sweden, Androgynous portraits, 1999-2006. She is currently doing an independent artist residency in Ocala, Florida, where she trains horses and photographs the horse world as she sees it.